6 pm - 9 pm : 2nd Floor Gaming Area
Join the Fairmont State Tabletop Club and Librarians for a fun night of board and card games!
For more information, contact Jacki Sherman
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman speaks at Microsoft's annual developers’ conference in Seattle in May. (AFP/Getty Images/Jason Redmond via CQ Rersearcher / Cropped and resized from original)
Artificial Intelligence : Can the dangers be constrained? | Private Equity : Is its rapid growth harming U.S. business? | Hospital at Home : Is the care model a viable approach? | Community Water Fluoridation : Will skepticism about its efficacy and side effects end the practice? | ... E-mail : askalibrarian@fairmontstate.edu
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"When your rage is choking you, it is best to say nothing."
Congratulations to our egg hunt winners! We loved seeing all the students searching high and low for our hidden eggs. Take a look at the smiling faces of our six winners who scored some sweet prizes.