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Charles Bukowski: Alienation and the Downtrodden

by Jamie Shultz on 2024-01-31T13:23:00-05:00 in Biography, Literature | 0 Comments


Wikimedia: Charles Bukowski: portrait by Graziano Origa, 2008

"If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose."

"I want so much that is not here and I do not know where to go."

"Beware those who seek constant crowds for they are nothing alone."

And when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever you want. What do you call it, Freedom or Loneliness?"

Wikipedia: Charles Bukowski

Post Office: A Novel by Charles Bukowski
ISBN: 9780061492563
Publication Date: 2006

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