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Community Health degree program at Fairmont State University: Community Health Courses

Course descriptions (updated as more courses are added)

As a CHEP major you will learn about many interesting topics. You will also learn skills that will be useful for whichever career you choose.

Some of these courses also count toward other degree programs. Please speak with your advisor and/or CHEP faculty to learn more about how CHEP courses can complement your degree.


CHEP 1101: Exploring Health Promotion …................................................................… 3 hrs

This course counts for the CORE Curriculum Personal Development (Fitness & Well-being)

Students will explore the significance of each dimension of personal health and the reciprocal relationship between human health status and the physical/social environments. Various body systems and related health issues will be discussed. Students will learn how to be educated consumers of health information.

CHEP 1110: Nutrition & Health Promotion …................................................................… 3 hrs

This course counts for the CORE Curriculum Personal Development (Fitness & Well-being)

This course examines nutritional needs across the life cycle and in special populations. The course will also discuss challenges to healthy nutrition, including eating disorders and economic/geographical barriers.  Students will develop a plan for healthy nutrition.

CHEP 2202: Environmental Health…................................................................… 3 hours

This course focuses on current environmental health issues such as population dynamics and interventions designed to modify the environment in order to improve communities as well as the impact of humans on their environment. Students examine the ramifications of decisions regarding management of environmental resources (i.e. air, water, forests, etc.), their impact on quality of life, and the role of organizations/governmental agencies involved with pollution control will be undertaken.

CHEP 2210: Foundations in Community Health Promotion ................................................ 3 hrs.

This course counts for the CORE Curriculum Social Sciences

This course provides students with a broad foundation in health promotion and how it is used to improve all areas of health (including physical, psychological, social, financial, environmental, etc.) Students use the ecological model to assess the multiple causes of health and societal issues of interest to them. Students are also introduced to the scientific processes of research. This course is designed for all students to use the acquired knowledge and skills to address real-world issues in their field of study.

CHEP 3320: Behavior Change Theory .................................... 3 hrs.

This course examines theories, models, and constructs related to personal, environmental, and population-based health risk and health-enhancing behaviors. Students will apply course material to health promotion in a variety of settings.  Pre-req: CHEP 2210, PSYC 1101, or SOCY 1110.

CHEP 3315: Healthy Sexuality .................................... 3 hrs.

This course introduces students to the biological, psychological, and cultural aspects of sex, sexuality, and gender. Students will discuss sensitive and controversial topics with the goal of increased appreciation for diversity. Topics include sexual development, behavior and decision making, sexually transmitted infections, sexual abuse, sexual addiction, and societal/cultural influences.

CHEP 3345: Needs Assessment ................................................ 3 hours

The course assesses health-related needs, assets, and capacity in communities.  Students will participate in data collection and analysis, as well as develop recommendations to promote health in the community. Pre-req: CHEP 2210

CHEP 3350: Program Planning & Evaluation ................................................ 3 hours

This course examines the importance of health promotion programs.  Students will design/tailor and implement programs to meet the needs of an identified community.   Students will also participate in program evaluation and offer recommendations for improvement. Pre-req: CHEP 2210.

CHEP 3355: Health Geography ................................................ 3 hours

Health geography merges the fields of population health, epidemiology, medicine, and geography. Investigating human health and disease through a geo-spatial lens better equips those working in health promotion to meet the needs of the target population. This course provides a broad introduction into using spatial analysis to better understand the underlying factors that contribute to health and disease. Pre-req: GEOG 2210.

CHEP 3365: Health Promotion Communication ................................................ 3 hours

This course examines health communication, using digital and traditional resources and tailoring of health materials for health promotion. Low health/reading literacy and the impact on health status is covered. Students apply the course material and develop health promotion materials related to a health topic of interest to them. Pre-req: CHEP 2210, GEOG 2210, PSYC 1101, or SOCY 1110.

CHEP 4000: Death, Dying, and Caretaking…………….3 hrs.

This course examines theories surrounding life/death, grief/bereavement, and caregiving.  Stress management and life-balance of formal and informal caretakers are covered.  Additionally, the legal and political issues of death and caregiving are covered.

CHEP 4001: Disability, Communities, & Health……3 hrs.

This course investigates the experiences and needs of individuals with disabilities, health impairments, and/or chronic pain.  Topics include how disabilities are defined, measured, perceived in society, health disparities/inequality, and emerging trends/topics of concern.  Students investigate the challenges faced by individuals when navigating through society as well as ways communities can create a more inclusive environment. 

CHEP 4411: Community & Public Health Policy, Ethics, and Professionalism

This course provides a framework for critically analyzing public health policy, ethics, and professionalism. Topics covered each semester will be tailored to current events while incorporating historical influences on current situations. Students will participate in advocacy for health education/promotion, discuss current and emerging health issues; explain how policy and/or systems change can promote or discourage health. Pre-req: CHEP 2210.

CHEP 4420: Child Welfare ....................................... 3 hours

This course introduces students to the child welfare system and related community-based resources. Students will examine the social norms, cultures, social/family, policies, and their own attitudes related to child welfare issues. Students will practice critical thinking skills within the framework of complex child welfare issues.

CHEP 4440: Health Research and Measurement Design ....................................... 3 hours

This course examines principles of research and measurement including research ethics, instrument construction, designing a study and an examination of concepts and strategies involved with assessment. Students identify a health topic of interest, determine what is currently known on the topic, and develop a research project to further their knowledge on the topic. Pre-reg: stats course

CHEP 4445: Health Research Implementation ....................................... 3 hours

This course investigates the concepts of project management, data collection, analysis methods, and designs used in health-related programs.  Students collect data on a health topic of interest to them, analyze the data, and make recommendations for health promotion based on the findings. Pre-req: CHEP 4440

CHEP 4450: Program Funding & Administration. ............................... 3 hrs.    (Writing Intensive Course)

This course provides an overview of securing funding for and managing of health promotion programs. Students will create a grant proposal and other materials necessary for managing a health promotion program. Pre-req: ENGL 1102 or 1103 and MATH 1407 or higher.

CHEP 4480: Community Health Capstone. .................................. 2 hrs.

This course serves as a review for the Community Health program. Topics include assessing and addressing community health needs, advocating for health, using behavior change theory to promote health, managing health promotion programs/research.  Students will participate in class discussions, reflect on assigned readings and apply skills developed across courses to real-world, health-related situations.  Students will also take practice exams that are aligned with various professional accreditation bodies in the health promotion field. Pre/Co-req: CHEP 3350.

CHEP 4490: Community Health Internship....................................... 4 hrs.

This course is a 120-hour, semester-long experience working directly with a community agency during the student’s last semester. Specific goals will meet the needs of the agency in collaboration with the student and the course faculty. Expectations include implementing, administering, or managing a health education project, and serving as a health promotion/education resource person. Students also develop a portfolio showcasing their best work from the internship.  Pre/Co-req: 3350.