2024 |
Instructor’s and Students’ Perspectives on Hyflex Learning: A Collaborative Self-Study |
Student Engagement Across Course Teaching Modalities. |
What Value do Students find in a HyFlex Course when Almost Everyone is Online? |
2023 |
Does the HyFlex Learning Environment Affect Student Likelihood to Whistle-Blow on Academic Dishonesty? |
Effective engagement strategies in HyFlex modality based on intrinsic motivation in students |
Faculty experiences of HyFlex: An exploratory study. |
How to be successful in hyflex learning - student and teacher’s perspectives |
HyFlex environment: addressing students’ basic psychological needs |
HyFlex Learning Research and Practice: A Longitudinal Analysis |
Self-regulation, motivation, and outcomes in HyFlex classrooms |
2022 |
Flexible Learning Environments: Minoritized College Students’ Experiences in HyFlex |
Understanding Student Engagement and Experiences in a HyFlex Laboratory Course |
2021 |
Academic integrity in the HyFlex learning environment |
Finding Our Voice: Highly Flexible ED for the HyFlex World |
The Impact of HyFlex Training on Faculty Perceptions of Their Transfer Behavior and Inclusive Teaching Practices |
2020 |
2019 or earlier |
Academic Students’ Satisfaction and Learning Outcomes in a HyFlex Course: Do Delivery Modes Matter? |
Introducing Social Work to HyFlex Blended Learning: A Student-centered Approach |