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Fairmont State University School of Nursing: Pathways for Success Program-Part 1: Module 8: Test-Taking Techniques

This guide is intended to assist nursing school students at Fairmont State University

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Assignment for Test-Taking Techniques

Please answer each question by identifying the stem and key words, eliminating the ones you can, rereading the stem, choose the best answer based on rationale. The answers and rationales are after each question. When you have finished, e-mail your advisor via course messages on Blackboard with any questions that are causing you difficulty.

1) Which is associated with a physiological need of a patient with a colostomy?

a) Disturbance of body image

b) Inadequate nutrition

c) Lack of knowledge

d) Skin breakdown


The correct answer is d. The word physiological modifies the word need and is a clue in the stem. For study purposes, you can change the focus of this question by change the word physiological to psychological in the stem. Now answer the question from the new perspective.




2) Which is associated with a psychological need of a patient with a colostomy?

a) Disturbance of body image

b) Inadequate nutrition

c) Lack of knowledge

d) Skin breakdown


The correct answer is a. The entire focus of this question has now changed. The focus has moved from “physiological” to “psychological”. Now the clue in the stem is the word “psychological”. By using this technique, you can apply critical thinking to multiple-choice questions and maximize opportunities for learning. This is an effective strategy either when working alone or when working with a study group.


3) A preoperative patient talks about being afraid of pain because of a previous experience with painful surgery. What should the nurse do first to help the patient cope with this fear?

a) Encourage the patient not to be afraid.

b) Teach the patient relaxation techniques.

c) Listen to the patient’s concerns about pain.

d) Inform the patient that medication is available.


The correct answer is option c. The word “first” is asking you to set a priority. For study purposes, you can change the focus of the question by eliminating the correct answer as a choice and then attempting to answer the question from the remaining three options. Now answer the question from this new perspective.


4) A preoperative patient talks about being afraid of pain because of a previous experience with painful surgery. What should the nurse do first to help the patient cope with this fear?

a) Encourage the patient not to be afraid.

b) Teach the patient relaxation techniques.

c) Inform the patient that medication is available.


The correct answer is option b. The technique of eliminating the correct answer and attempting to select the next best actions requires you to rank the options presented in order of importance. This strategy works only with questions that require you to set a priority. Key words such as “initially”, “first”, “best”, “priority”, and “most” should alert you that the question is a priority question. By using this strategy, you increase opportunities to sharpen your critical thinking skills.


Nugent, P., & Vitale, B. (2012). Test success test-taking techniques for beginning nursing students (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis