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Fairmont State University School of Nursing: Pathways for Success Program-Part 1: Home

This guide is intended to assist nursing school students at Fairmont State University

Welcome to Pathways for Success-Modules 1-8

Welcome to Pathways for Success! This program is designed to help nursing students succeed in the 1st semester of nursing school and beyond. We will be visiting time management, study skills, learning styles and test-taking techniques during this first part of the program. Please use the modules as a guide to help you this semester. Nursing courses are unlike any other courses you have probably taken before. The faculty want to see you succeed!

Your advisor is your mentor as you progress through the nursing program. All faculty are dedicated to your success and students are advised to meet with faculty as soon as a problem is encountered. We understand that sometimes there are obligations outside of nursing school that can interfere with student success. Please seek advice and assistance for any issues. If we can’t help, we know someone who can.

Program Guidelines

Pathways for Success Program Information

Criteria for placement: 

Anyone can use the Pathways for Success Program (PSP). All that is required is a willingness to identify areas that need changing. This would be an excellent time to meet with your advisor to discuss your specific difficulties and identify strategies to enhance your success.
The PSP has online learning modules that will help you be more successful in nursing school. These learning modules will cover information related to:  time management, study skills, test taking techniques, and stress management. You can select the modules that will be most beneficial to you.

Introduction to Nursing School