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Fairmont State University GeoSavvy Guide (OLD Guide)

Geo-Close Reading

‘Learning geography requires students to read widely from a vari­ety of texts and other sources of information. They need to select, compare, synthesise and evaluate information from different sources as well as use other skills to distinguish fact and opinion, and to recognise bias and objectivity in sources. ’  Biddulph et al, 2015, p157

A geographic inquiry approach is reading through the lens of spatial context:

1. Contextualize: Consider the location and its physical features, climate, cultural aspects, and historical background.

2. Analyze spatial relationships: Look for spatial relationships and connections within the text.

3. Consider perceptional geography: Pay attention to different perspectives presented in the text. 

4. Maps and visuals: Use map resources to deepen your understanding. Look for patterns, trends, and spatial distributions.

5. Connect through the real world: Consider how the concepts discussed can be observed in your own environment or in current events.