Fairmont State Menu
Library Menu
Free-to-use content, textbooks, lessons, or other educational materials.
Introduction to Earth Science (WVU Renton)
ESRI Free GIS & Geography ebooks
Open Source GIS Education (Storymaps)
Geography-Open Educational Textbooks (Humboldt)
Geography Textbooks (Center for Open Education MN)
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
AmericaView (Earth Observation Network)
BMCC Open Educational Resources (SUNY)
Introduction to GIS with Open Education Materials (Kennesaw State University/University of North Georgia)
GIScience Classics LibGuide (UCLA)
The Anthropocene Network (IUPUI)
Open Mapping Education (U.S. Census)
Our Beautiful Earth (NSTA)
Geospatial Information Technology in Fragile Contexts (U.N.)