“Working With GIS data? Librarians Can Help With That” (Syracuse University)
The Original Augmented Reality Sandbox (that we all love to play with no matter our age).
Original Augmented Reality Sandbox and Support supported by NSF https://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~okreylos/index.html
AR Sandbox through USGS https://www.usgs.gov/youth-and-education-in-science/augmented-reality-ar-sandbox
Example Projects
The GIS Outreach and Community Engagement Lab Augmented Reality Sandbox https://gislab.utk.edu/outreach/ar-sandbox/
Villanova Receives Interdisciplinary National Science Foundation Grant to Implement Augmented Reality Sandboxes https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/media/features/klassner-augmented-reality-sandbox.html
Geology Professor Builds Augmented Reality Sandbox Through STEM Grant
Augmented reality sandboxes are shown to increase student engagement during structured lab activities (McNeal, 2020) . An augmented reality (AR) sandbox is a 3D dynamic and inquiry led educational tool to help understand mapping, topography, population diffusion, human-environment interaction, watersheds, natural hazards, transportation, and any topic from humanities applications to science and technology that needs a simulated earth environment. An augmented reality sandbox uses a motion sensor and specialized computer software to map geospatial concepts such as contour lines onto the sand.
While AR Sandboxes are used around the world in education, museums, and outreach, there is a need to expand research into the pedagogical impact of the tool and its impact on learning spatial concepts for specific situations and fields(Hod, 2020).
Our Take on the Augmented Reality (AR) Sandbox, no sand required!
Given the rising costs of used and scavenged equipment used in creating an AR Sandbox and the feedback, we received from those who have built one in the past. Which is it is great to have once it's built. We looked for affordable and multi-use options.
We are exploring the use of a spatial touch table (ours is ClearTouch). While the table isn't free it is the type used in many K-12 classroom settings and industry. Many of the OER software applications work on it and we are trying it with NOAA Science on a Sphere (which we are still working out).
Earth Lab Data Intensive Tutorials
Geography: A New Way of Seeing (Joseph Kerski)
WV View Tutorials (Aaron Maxwell, WVU)
GIS for Wildlife Conservation (Esri Canada Education and Research)