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Fairmont State University GeoSavvy Guide: Tell Your Story

Copy of GeoSavvy Guide for testing.

Volunteered Geographic Information

Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has been described as ‘arguably the most significant change in the whole history of cartography…’ (Perkins, 2013) from (D. R. Fraser Taylor, Chapter 4 - Some recent developments in the theory and practice of Cybercartography,


Clio and Fairmont State University

Join in with Fairmont State University Geography students as we start on the journey to tell our hometown stories using the CLIO app developed at Marshall University. Named after Clio, one of the nine Muses, the ancient Greek goddesses of music, song, and dance. 

Clio is a mobile app and website that connects thousands of people to historic and cultural sites around the United States.  Created by Dr. David Trowbridge of Marshall University, Clio is driven by a nationwide network of contributors from communities and institutions—including classes at universities and colleges—who know their history and want to share it with the world.  As of December 2019, Clio includes articles for over 30,000 landmarks and 600 complete walking tours. Thanks to the support of donors and supporters, Clio is non-profit and free for everyone.

Spatial Narratives

Spatial Narrative StoryMaps

Fairmont State University have been using spatial narratives or storymaps to tell our story, reflect on what we are learning in close-readings, and learn about our world. Explore some of our favorites or find your own to share.




Atlas Obscura

Atlas Obscura and Fairmont State University 

Fairmont State University Geography students have compiled and already started sending in submissions to Atlas Obscura to put Fairmont WV and Fairmont State University on the Atlas Obscura map. 

We want to change the current map to include places that Fairmont State University students associate with the university and think are Atlas Obscura worthy. 




 The Frank and Jane Gabor West Virginia Folklife Center is on the map! Congratulations to whoever submitted it from campus or the community. 

Fairmont State University student, Chase Taylor, submitted a submission for the WV Folklife Center 



Wiki Education

How to run a Wikipedia edit-a-thon