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Fairmont State University GeoSavvy Guide: Game Night

Copy of GeoSavvy Guide for testing.

Geography of Games

“Board games are another type of game in which geography plays a role. When you consider the physical object, board games all have a two-dimensional surface and have game pieces that move from one space to another on the board. Even if the game does not have a specific geography theme, the board game has basic geographical or spatial relationships to them.” (de Voogt, 2017)

de Voogt, A. (2017). Strategic games in society: the geography of adult play. International Journal of Play6(3), 308-318.

May the Best Player Win: Geographical Board Games of the Past (Smithsonian, 2019)



Photo by Pixabay

How to host

Participate in geography by hosting a Geography board game night with friends and family. Learn how to host your own game night with How to Host a Board Game Night from Programming Librarian. It breaks things down in a concise and teachable way. 


Games Clubhouse

Ruth Ann Musick Board Game Library

Did you know that Fairmont State University Ruth Ann Musick Library, like many local and university libraries, has a board game library and game night?  The COLA Geography and Geoscience program has donated several geography-related games to the collection.

November is International Board Game Month? Find out what's happening at your local library. 

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