“Isn’t everyone a geographer? And, what about the increasing number of professionals outside who are incorporating spatial thinking and GIS into their work—in business, history, mathematics, design, biology, engineering and other fields. Are they geographers? Do they need to be geographers?” - Joseph Kerski, 2012
Career Talks
Fairmont State University celebrates Geography Awareness Week/GIS Day! every semester. Career and Travel Talks is one of the most popular because the career panel includes Fairmont State University alumni working in the Geography and Geospatial field.
You can participate in your own Career Talk by joining one of the Geography Awareness Week/GIS Day! activities listed or get involved in the field by joining the WV Association of Geospatial Professionals or your own local organization or become an AAG GeoMentor. Approximately 80% of all data we encounter in our lives has a spatial or location-based component.
Geospatial skills are in high demand across all sectors of the workforce, from state, local and federal government, to NGOs, businesses, and consulting firms large and small. So where do you start? - AAG.org
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