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ENGL1102 History Projects: History of the Building

Better get this done before finals

History of the Wesely Chapel building

Wesley Chapel

How was the building acquired?

Before the chapel was bought by our college, it served for many years as a veterinary office, helping pet owners and stray animals all across the city. Then, around 2003, the soon-to-be chapel was purchased by Fairmont State University, to serve as a primary location for the Wesley foundations ministry outreach. On the day of the exchange, the old building was formally "decommissioned," and the new one was blessed by the local DS, firmly establishing the Wesley Chapel as a part of the foundation's reach on campus.

Any Important Events?

The Communities of Shalom Seder was held here, and so was a small wedding inside the building.

Facts about the Wesley Chapel building.

  • It is used by the Wesely foundation ministry, which is sponsored by the United Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church. 

  • It offers free home-cooked meals to students on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30-1:00 PM. 

  • The present Wesley Foundation building was dedicated in 1921.  

  • The structure was modeled closely on Christ Church College at Oxford where John Wesley received his education. 

  • The Wesley House and its campus pastor provide local, professional counselors and it also offers short-term consultation and crisis intervention. 

  • It offers periodic retreats for spiritual direction and discernment and for work team experiences. 

  • The Wesley House offers community service-learning opportunities for students of the Fairmont State community. 

  • The Wesley House offers mission trip experiences and opportunities for students. 

  • Each semester the Wesley House (with donations from individuals, community groups, and local churches) prepares and distributes finals care packages to the students of the Fairmont State community. 

  • Periodically, the Wesley House offers afternoon teatime for staff and faculty, an opportunity for fellowship and conversation. 

  • The Wesley House and its campus pastor work with students to explore their call to vocational service within the community and the church.